Finalll Jury and Exhibition

INTERSCALAR | RELATIONS OF VOIDS intends to develop a sense of abstraction by beginning with the simplest relations among two elements;
the systematic exploration proliferated and got more complex with each studio discussion and assignment. We all studied several integrated concepts via continually changing scalar qualities through a series of exercises. Each exercise was a more intricate experiment through its material, relational qualities, technique and/or scale.

For the final assignment, we were assigned to continue developing our system of voids by interrelating design elements at all scales and in between scales. While doing this, we were asked to work with themes. Because the theme as an overarching idea united all the components in the design, i.e., ensure unity and consistency in the overall 3D composition. The studied themes guided us in designing voids and relating them to the whole 3D composition. Therefore, we seek consistency and unity in the design in terms of the relations of the voids and definitions and degrees of the enclosure as the theme defined and guided our system of relations.

ATTRIBUTES : a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of something.

Additionally, we were to consider material properties (color, texture etc.) and visual relations (transparency, visibility, light/shadow etc.) as attributes of our design elements and overall 3D composition.

Memories left from the exhibition


It was my first experience of having a jury atmosphere. It was very beneficial especially critics from different teachers help us to look in a different side. I noticed the weak parts and potantial parts after that, I will try to improve and develop my proposal in terms of the void definitions.

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Theme, a unifying idea repeated or developed throughout a work; the main
subject of a design; to design according to a particular subject (=theme);
to relate a design to a particular subject.

In this assignment, we were responsible for categorizing our proposals according to themes. Mine was fragmented, open-closed and mutualtiy. By the help of the linear elements of sphere, I somehow got the quality of the theme.


to construct a system of voids by interrelating design elements
at all scales and in between scales

As the first step of the assignment, we were asked to
-carefully select/focus on a meaningful portion of your previous model that includes 37-43 number of elements.
-decompose the initial geometries into the components, in other words,surfaces, lines, maybe even, points. Keep in mind that we were free to decompose all or some of the geometries but still expected to have rationalized design decisions of our compositions.
-make a 3D composition by applying the given set of design operations to our newly emerged components.
Primary sets of operations: explode & move, explode & move with rotation, slice & shift
Secondary operations: multiply/copy, re-size/scale, fold, thicken/extrude
Look for: volume definitions / interrelations / continuity – discontinuity / smooth or abrupt changes / surface thickness to achieve a quality in between surface and mass.

Part to Whole II – Relief

”A composition with a relatively “shallow” thickness and/or depth in
terms of the dimensions of the elements or their relations. It should
maintain its in-between quality that is neither a 2D nor a 3D medium.”

For this part of the assignment, we were expected to design a relief based on our proposal for the previous assignment . All the prior requirements also applied to the relief composition. That means that the relief as a composition in-between 2D and 3D was expected to have the quality of UNITY, and this unity came from the SYSTEM of relations that we have designed to organize the UNITs of our composition.

While doing my relief I mainly paid attention to the shadow-brightness sides. According to this, I decided where should I rotate elements in itself. I think it’s fruitful to learn some new techniques for the architecture.

3D Composition with 23 elements

In this assignment, we were expected to use at least 3 different types of 3D basic geometric elements with variations in size. Also, we should consider (inter)relations of the similar and different types of elements. By doing that, we learned how they came together and what potential of other possible relations between them. At this point, I chose to slice square prisms and spheres and add linear elements inside of cylinders.

Part to Whole-I

For the initial part of the assignment, we were expected to create a 3D composition, which is composed of 3D UNITs.
A UNIT can be defined as an element or be composed of many elements.
The composition is expected to have the quality of UNITY as you design a SYSTEM of relations (a set of principles or rules) according to which our units were organized in relation to each other.
The system was composed of 103 elements in total by using at least 3 different basic geometric forms (sphere, prism, etc.) in various sizes.

For this assignment, we produced our work digitally in the Rhino environment.
Also, we should make design catalog and diagrams of our proposals.
By doing that, I explored possible conditions of togetherness of different types of elements and/or units. I recorded all possible outcomes and/or variations by bringing together 3 elements. I paid attention to geometrical and proportional relations.
I zoomed in to a selected part of my composition in order to demonstrate an
instance exemplifying how my system of relations are working. The act of zooming-in requires you to focus on a limited number of elements and their relations.

11 identical elements with at least 3 variations in size

In this assignment, we were asked to consider (inter)relations with the variations in size. Also, you should have spesific proportion between elements. As I understand from this assignment, if you do something once, it’s an accident , if you do it twice, it’s coincidence and if you do more than twice, it’s your intention. That’s why I tried to use elements by intersecting from the corner. ile böyle bir site tasarlayın